Saturday, April 25, 2009


OH MY GOSH NOT AGAIN! i saw test hog thats screenhog and the first ever test billy that is billybob!  hope you enjoy 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

screenhogs test penguin (i think)

well i think i saw screenhogs test penguin today its name is flobay they said flobay is screenhog! so here is a picture of his test penguin

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

about the moderators of clubpenguin

hello i will tell you about the moderators of club penguin there people who make chats and websites that you can chat on unless you say a bad word or a bad name tell a phone number or adress its against the rules in clubpenguin  the people that i know that keep club penguin safe are rsnail (rocket snail) billybob gizmo happy77 i think happy77 retired and screenhog i will tell you about these people gizmo is the designer of club penguin not the clothes though thats screenhog gizmo makes the games and parties in club penguin screenhog makes all the clothes rsnail (founder of club penguin) oh i forgot that screenhog writes the newspaper on club penguin rsnail works with the flash codes he created billybob is the co-founder of club penguin he is the vice president he also writes in the club penguin blog   nothing known about happy77 some people say she does not exist  screenhog has a website called and rsnail has a website called  here is a picture of the moderators i might find some other pictures of them in real life waddle on!! ps. in the picture with them on the computers rsnail is the 1 with the viking helmet with the snail with the rocket on  screenhog is the 1 with the hard helmet and the pig by his computer rsnail is blue screenhog is red this 1 is them in real life billybob is in the middle gizmo is the oldest rsnail is the 1 on the left well i cant really tell on rsnail
and gizmo they say rsnail is the oldest and i saw this person he said rsnail was like 13 then i said you have to be 18 or older to be a moderator so he saw the picture and said gizmo is oldest so i dont know

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


this is the command room of club penguin only the people who have the elite penguin force game and enter the code can get in here its awesome and there is lots of amazing things that appear so here is the pictures (as useal) click picture for it to be bigger

shew flies!

help me the horse shoe flies are coming!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

where am i?


Saturday, April 4, 2009


i saw bob today and i became the missing link so here is a picture of me and bob!

the super rare penguin!!

I found a rare penguin that is pink and he has the same name as me but its really me but im really rare so check this out! i went in my igloo made the picture and all that stuff it was pretty cool by the way and i really like this oh and i met this vampire cat who likes me! *smile* so try to go to clubpenguin .com its awesome!

pink mario is gone!

she left so i coudnt get the pic so here is mario and luigi!

pink mario!?

i saw a pink mario also i was like what the heck! i was like im putting this on the blog!


i saw that there is mario mario luigi luigi on clubpenguin i can prove it here is the pics!

places in the april fools party!!

The April fools party came April 1st and I want to show you the places and there are a lot of places so i will only do 1 happy April fools!

other portal boxes!!

there are some other portal boxes around the island that dont go to the box 

demension now lets see what they lead us too if you want to ok now lets move on to the portals on goes to the coffee shop and the night club and the pizza place and the lodge and the beacon and the inside the lighthouse!

sorry about that

when i did the// that was a accident i was trying to type the box demension but i was like the// enter so sorry about that visit my blog for these cheats!

the penguin play awards!!

the penguin play awards came march 20th 2009 and now its almost over good thing i met all the famous penguins when they visit the awards and now here is the pics enjoy!


I know i told you about the box demension and i will show you it its so cool people say its scary weird awesome and all that stuff

the \\

card jitsu came in november!

ok penguins and humans i know card jitsu came in November but here is a picture of card jitsu this is a person with power cards witch maybe i will get for my birthday i am a ninja and i battled the master and beat him it was awesome i can prove it if your a ninja you can go in this cool room called the ninja hideout by the way if you want to join clubpenguin go to click play now and click start and at the bottom of the screen it says dont have a penguin? create your own account now! true
story here are some pictures


Enjoy 1 funny picture on clubpenguin this one is not a edit or somthing i saw this like a million times my penguin got a tattoo because my dad said so


April 1st is the day of the April fools party! with the blue propellor cap at the mine check around the island and boxes will do silly stuff and the box store has somthing special for the members like me a portal box! put it in your igloo and go threw and your in this place called the box demension! and try to find all the famous penguins at the penguin play awards hurry it ends April 9th and the results for the plays quest for the golden puffle won! im sad because i voted for ruby and the ruby shadow guy and gamma gal and penguins that time forgot! by the way good luck finding the famous penguins cause i met them all and the penguins keep saying prove it! by the way i met aunt artic on ice palace march 21st and cadence march 21st and rockhopper in febuary and penguin band march 27th and gary april 3rd!